General Information
The Cosmac VIP (Video Interface Processor) was sold as a DIY kit very similar to the Cosmac Elf. The VIP came with a fairly basic 'monitor' program in ROM to type in hex code and possibility to save and load from cassette.
At least the following expansion board were made available:- VP550 Super Sound System, a 2 channel tone generator with a span of 4 octaves and possibility to connect a simple drum computer
- VP551 Super Sound 4-channel Expander Package, a 4 channel tone generator with a span of 4 octaves and possibility to connect a simple drum computer, basically consisting of 2 VP550 boards and one VP576
- VP570 4KB RAM board
- VP575 Four Board Expander, needed to connect 4 VP570 boards to be able to add 16KB RAM
- VP576 Two Board Expander, needed to connect 2 VP550 boards
- VP580 Expansion Keypad, adding 1 or 2 keypads to the VIP, either connected to the VP585 or VP590
- VP585 Expansion Keypad Interface Board, needed to connect additional keypads if the VP590 board was not used
- VP590 Colour Board, based on the CDP1864, the colour version of the CDP1861, for support of 8 colours with the same resolution as the 1861
- VP595 Simple Sound Board, a 1 channel tone generator with ability to generate 255 different tone frequencies
Technical specifications
Clock: 1.7609 MHz
2 KB RAM (expandable on main board to 4KB)
512 Bytes ROM
Video: CDP1861
Sound: One fixed frequency tone
Keyboard: CD4515 (for hexadecimal keypad)
Screen shot
Cosmac VIP running a game called blockout written in the Chip 8x interpreter and using the colour and simple sound boards as well as a second hex keypad for 2 players games.

Other information about the Cosmac VIP:
- Cosmac VIP on Wikipedia
- Cosmac VIP on the Old Computer Museum
- Mattmik VIPER Library
Main Features Cosmac VIP Emulator
- Adjustable speed, boosting the speed of the Cosmac VIP beyond 1.76 MHz!
- Tape features (wav file and real cassette support) including a Turbo version
- Direct Cosmac VIP memory access to load and save software from the PC hard disk via intel hex or binary files
- Video support for CDP1861 (Pixie) including a high resolution mode (supported by chip10) with zoom and full screen option by pressing F3
- Sound support for default fixed frequency tone, simple sound board (VP595) and super sound system (VP550)
- Support for Printer simulation including possibility for sending the output to any printer you own or to a file
- Video screen dump to a file (BMP, JPEG, PNG or PCX image)
- Support for 2nd hex keypad (VP580) and colour board (VP590)
- RAM extension up to 32KB when using patched vip.32.rom file
- Support for Chip 8, Chip 8x and Chip 10 interpreter