General Information
The V-ELF is a combination of the COSMAC VIP and COSMAC ELF systems. With the flip of a switch, the V-ELF behaves like either the COSMAC ELF or VIP (using the JVIP ROM)
In ELF mode:
- 32K of RAM is mapped to 0 - @7FFF
- 32K of ROM is mapped to @8000 - @FFFF
In VIP mode:
- 32K of RAM is mapped out until A15 goes high (a Long Branch to @8200 does this)
- 32K of ROM is mapped to both 0 - @7FFF and @8000 - @FFFF
Execution goes directly to the VElf Bios at @8200 where the VElf starts talking through RS232 (Q for TXD, EF2 for RXD) by sending it's Menu at 9600,N,8,1.
Technical specifications
Clock: 3.5795 MHz
Video: CDP1861
Sound: One fixed frequency tone
Keyboard: CD4515 (for hexadecimal keypad)
Screen shot
VELF startup menu on a video terminal.

Other information about the VELF:
- Josh Bensadon’s VELF files on the Cosmac Elf group
- Walter Miraglia’s JVIP files on the Cosmac Elf group
Main Features Cosmac VELF Emulator
- Adjustable speed, boosting the speed of the VELF beyond 3.5795 MHz!
- Tape features (wav file and real cassette support) including a Turbo version
- Direct VELF memory access to load and save software from the PC hard disk via intel hex or binary files
- Video support for CDP1861 (Pixie) with zoom and full screen option by pressing F3
- Sound support for default fixed frequency tone
- Support for Printer simulation including possibility for sending the output to any printer you own or to a file
- Video screen dump to a file (BMP, JPEG, PNG or PCX image)
- Support for Chip 8 and Chip 8x interpreter