General Information
The Cosmicos (COSmac MIni Computer System) was first published as a DIY kit in the Dutch magazine Radio Bulletin, developed by Bob Stuurman. The system was based on the Cosmac Elf design. Extension boards included a hex keypad, 7 segment TIL313 panel, Eprom programmer, CDP 1864 Video (black and white), 48K RAM and a floppy disk card.
Technical specifications
Clock: 1.75 MHz MHz
Memory: 256 Bytes RAM
Video: 2 TIL313 (for two character hexadecimal display)
Sound: None
Keyboard: Toggle switches
Screen shot
Cosmicos running the ASCII Monitor on a VT100 terminal.
Other information about the Cosmicos:
- Retro Computing with Cosmicos info and documentation however note that all documentation is in Dutch.

Main Features Cosmicos Emulator
- Adjustable speed, boosting the speed of the Cosmicos beyond 1.75 MHz!
- Tape features including a Turbo version and automatic tape handling
- Direct Cosmicos memory access to load and save software from the PC hard disk via intel hex, binary files
- Terminal simulation (DEC VT-52 and VT-100)
- Video support for CDP1864 (Pixie) with zoom and full screen option by pressing F3
- Keyboard support for Hex keypad
- Hex keypad and 7 Segment Panel support
- RAM extension up to 48KB
- Sound support for 'Q flag' connected speaker and CDP1864 sound
- Video screen dump to a file (BMP, JPEG, PNG or PCX image)
- 1805 CPU Mode