General Information
The COMIX-35 is an open-source clone of the COMX-35 home computer.
The COMIX is very similar to the COMX with the main difference being that the COMIX uses SRAM instead of DRAM. The advantage here is that SRAM doesn't need any 'refresh' like is done for the DRAM in the COMX. The DRAM refresh on the COMX is done via DMA out instructions so not having these on the COMIX means it runs quite a bit faster than the COMX.
Small disadvantage of not having the DRAM refresh is that some existing software is depending on the DRAM refresh. DMA out is done with R0 and causes R0 to increment constantly. Some sofwtare uses R0 as a random generator or uses it as input to random generator routines. One example is Space Invaders which without DRAM refresh will not run correctly (enemies will not fire bullits). To overcome this problem I have created a small fix in the COMX rom file to do one LDA R0 during the interrupt routine. This is a lot less frequent compared to the DRAM refresh DMA out but will result in a somehwat better random generator handling.
Technical specifications
Clock: 2.813 (PAL) or 2.835 MHz (NTSC)
32 KB RAM and 3 KB Video RAM
Video: CDP1869/CDP1870
Sound: CDP1869
Keyboard: CDP1871
GitHub page for the COMIX.
COMX Club Netherlands with lots of documentation and software
Main Features COMIX Emulator
- Adjustable speed, boosting the speed of the COMIX beyond 2.813 or 2.835 MHz!
- Tape features (wav file and real cassette support) including a Turbo version and automatic tape handling for BASIC commands (PLOAD, PSAVE, DLOAD and DSAVE) and all F&M Turbo loaders
- Disk drive and COMX DOS support via image files, including the DOS 1.4 master disk image
- Direct COMIX memory access to load and save software from the PC hard disk via ‘.comx’ files
- Expansion box, including the original and a version including the F&M expansion ROM V3.10 with full screen editor
- SuperBoard, 32K RAM card, F&M EPROM Switchboard, F&M Joy card, Printer controller (original and one with F&M ROM)
- PAL and NTSC video modes and support for the COMX 80 column card all with zoom and full screen option by pressing F3
- Sound support for MUSIC, TONE and NOISE commands
- Support for COMX PL-80 Plotter, Thermal and Standard Printer simulation including possibility for sending the output to any printer you own or to a file
- Video screen dump to a file (BMP, JPEG, PNG or PCX image)