General Information
The Telmac 1800 was manufactured by Telercas Oy in Finland. The design was very similar to the Cosmac VIP.
Technical specifications
Clock: 1.75 MHz
Memory: 2 - 4 KB RAM and 512 Bytes ROM
Video: CDP1861
Sound: One fixed frequency tone
Keyboard: 2 x CD4051B and 2 x CD4042B
Screen shot
Telmac 1800 running a chip-8 game breakout.
Other information about the Telmac 1800:
- The Early Phases of Microcomputing in Finland
- Telmac 1800 on Wikipedia

Main Features Telmac 1800 Emulator
- Adjustable speed, boosting the speed of the Telmac 1800 beyond 1.75 MHz!
- Tape support (wav file and real cassette support) including a Turbo version
- Direct Telmac 1800 memory access to load and save software from the PC hard disk via intel hex or binary files
- Video support for CDP1861 with zoom and full screen option by pressing F3
- Sound support for default fixed frequency tone
- Video screen dump to a file (BMP, JPEG, PNG or PCX image)
- RAM extension up to 32KB
- Support for Chip 8 interpreter