General Information
The RCA COSMAC Microboard Computer was used in different applications, I have been told some of them are still in use on Oil rigs in Alberta, Canada and were also used in Austalia to control space tracking and communications hardware. The manuals: RCA Microboards, CDP18S600 and CDP18S603A
Technical specifications
Clock: 0.3072, 0.6144, 1.2288, 2.0, 2.097152, 2.4576 or 4.9152 MHz
Memory CPU Boards:
1K, 2K, 4K or 40K RAM
1K, 2K, 4K, 8K or 40K ROM
Other information about the RCA COSMAC Microboard Computer:
- Reproduction of some of the Microboards can be found here
Main Features RCA COSMAC Microboard Computer Emulator
- Adjustable speed, boosting the speed of the CDP18S600 beyond 4.9152 MHz!
- Direct CDP18S600 memory access to load and save software from the PC hard disk via intel hex or binary files
- Terminal simulation (DEC VT-52 and VT-100)
- PIO / CDP1851 simulation window
- Video screen dump to a file (BMP, JPEG, PNG or PCX image)
- Single step mode, taking one CPU cycle per step