General Information
The Cosmac Elf was first published in August 1976 as a DIY kit in the 'Popular Electronics' magazine. Different extensions were published afterwards like a hex keypad and a graphics chip (CDP 1861). Because a lot of different extensions were designed over the years the emulation of the Cosmac Elf (as well as the Netronics Elf II and Quest Super Elf) emulation have been kept very flexible.
Technical specifications
Clock: 1.76 MHz
Memory:256 Bytes RAM
Video: 2 TIL311 (for two character hexadecimal display)
Sound: None
Keyboard: Toggle switches
Screen shot
Cosmac Elf running Netronics Tiny Basic on a CDP 1861 (Pixie) display.
Other information about the Cosmac Elf:
- August 1976 Popular Electronics magazine
- Cosmac Elf website
- Cosmac Elf on Wikipedia
- Cosmac Elf group

Main Features Cosmac Elf Emulator
- Adjustable speed, boosting the speed of the Cosmac Elf beyond 1.76 MHz!
- Tape features (wav file and real cassette support) including a Turbo version and automatic tape handling for Quest Super BASIC (CLOAD, CSAVE, DLOAD and DSAVE) as well as Tiny BASIC (LOAD and SAVE) commands
- Direct Cosmac Elf memory access to load and save software from the PC hard disk via intel hex, binary, '.super' (for Quest Super Basic) and '.rca' (for RCA Basic) files
- Terminal simulation (DEC VT-52 and VT-100)
- Video support for CDP1861 (Pixie), MC6845, MC6847, TMS 9918 and Intel 8275 all with zoom and full screen option by pressing F3
- Keyboard support for Hex keypad, PS2 and Ascii keyboard
- IDE Hard Disk and FDC support
- RAM extension up to 64KB, EMS Memory expansion (512 KB) or Memory Mapper (1MB)
- Sound support for 'Q flag' connected speaker
- Support for Printer simulation including possibility for sending the output to any printer you own or to a file
- Video screen dump to a file (BMP, JPEG, PNG or PCX image)
- 1805 CPU Mode