General Information
The Telmac TMC-600 was manufactured by Telercas Oy in Finland and released around 1982. The design of the TMC-600 is quite similar to the COMX-35 and the Pecom 64, even the BASIC is based on the same code as these computers. All 3 were based on Quest Super BASIC which is running in this emulator on the Elf (Cosmac, Netronics or Quest). One main difference between the COMX and the Telmac is the fact that the character memory is in RAM in the COMX and in ROM in the Telmac which made graphics kind of impossible.
Technical specifications
Clock: 3.579 MHz
8 KB RAM and 1.5 KB Video RAM
16 KB ROM and 4 KB Video ROM
Video: CDP1869/CDP1870
Sound: CDP1869
Screen shot
Telmac TMC-600 running a demo
Other information about the Telmac 600:
- The Early Phases of Microcomputing in Finland
- Telmac 600 on Wikipedia

Main Features Telmac TMC-600 Emulator
- Adjustable speed, boosting the speed of the TMC-600 beyond 3.579 MHz!
- Tape features (wav file and real cassette support) including a Turbo version and automatic tape handling for BASIC commands (PLOAD, PSAVE, DLOAD and DSAVE)
- Direct TMC-600 memory access to load and save software from the PC hard disk via '.tmc600' files
- Support for the SBASIC Expansion ROM 1 (version 151182) including additional basic commands, A/DI Input and A/DS Input
- Video support for CDP1869/CDP1870 with zoom and full screen option by pressing F3
- Sound support for CDP1869
- Support for Printer simulation including possibility for sending the output to any printer you own or to a file
- Video screen dump to a file (BMP, JPEG, PNG or PCX image)
- RAM extension up to 37KB (as far as I know only max size of up to 24KB was ever made available)