General Information
The Infinite UC1800 is similar to the Elf and Microtutor II, just a CDP 1802, hex keypad, switches, LEDs and TIL313s.
The manual is supposed to have listed a short keybug program serving as a simple monitor and debugger program. As we have not found the original manual I have written a keybug_2020 program myself which executes the commands as described in the article about the Infinite UC1800 in the Radio Electronics - August 1977 magazine
Technical specifications
Clock: 1.7898 MHz
Memory: 256 Bytes RAM
Video: 4 TIL313 (two for address and two for data display)
Sound: None
Keyboard: hex keypad
Other information about the Infinite UC1800:
Main Features Microtutor Emulator
- Adjustable speed, boosting the speed of the Microtutor II beyond 1.7898 MHz!
- Direct Infinite UC1800 memory access to load and save software from the PC hard disk via intel hex or binary files