COLOR (expr1, expr2, expr3)
COLOR (expr1, expr2, expr3, expr4, expr5)
Supported by: Floating Point BASIC 2.2
Similar commands:
Pecom 32 BASIC, Pecom 64 BASIC 1.0 and 4.0: COLOR / SCR
Telmac SBASIC v 24.3: COLOR / BKG
BASIC will evaluate these statements as follows:
- COLOR without any arguments - will sequence through the 4 background colors: BLUE -> BLACK -> GREEN -> RED.
- COLOR with 3 arguments - BASIC will evaluate the value of expr1 as a color code modulus 7, expr2 and expr3 will be evaluated to determine the X, Y location, from the upper left hand corner, of the byte to be colored. Because of the mirroring effect of the Color card, the byte will be 'reflected' 4 times throughout the display field.
- COLOR with 5 arguments - operates the same as the previous statement but also uses expr4 and expr5 to calculate X and Y repeats to fill blocks of color areas.
Color Codes:
- Black
- Red
- Blue
- Violet
- Green
- Yellow
- Aqua
- White
This command was disabled in the original Floating Point BASIC 2.2 and should only be used if a color card is in the system. To activate the COLOR statement change memory @1323 to #65 and @1329 to #FB.