Main Elements
Most main elements listed in the table below use child elements that are explained in the linked pages. Note that for all number values both decimal or hexadecimal (starting with 0x) numbers are supported and all I/O child elements (ef, in, iogroup and out) follow a general format as described in XML - I/O
Element | Attribute | Value | Description |
system | - | child elements | This mandatory tag defines basic system settings and information for the emulated machine like, name, configuration, cpu type, clock speed etc. |
ad_convertor | - | child elements | A/D convertor definition |
basic | - | child elements | Info and BASIC address locations used in memory access functions as well as tape loading. |
batchwav | - | child elements | Batch wav file conversion definition |
bootstrap | - | child elements | Bootstrap definition |
cassette | type, deck | child elements | Cassette definition. The type attribute defines one of the different cassette HW configurations. If not specified standard cassette support is configured using EF/Q flags, other options: cv (Cybervision), fred (FRED 1 and 1.5). Attribute deck is used to define the number of cassette decks (1 or 2). |
cd4536b | - | child elements | CD4536B definition |
cdp1851 | init | child elements | CDP1851 I/O definition, use init="on" to open the CDP1851 panel on startup of the emulated machine. |
cdp1852 | init | child elements | CDP1852 I/O definition, use init="on" to open the CDP1852 panel on startup of the emulated machine. |
cdp1854 | connection | child elements | CDP1854 UART I/O definition, use connection="vt100" or connection="tu58" to connect to either a Video Terminal or the TU58 DECtape emulation. |
cdp1855 | num | child elements | CDP1855 Multiple-Divide Unit I/O definition, use num to indicate the number of CDP1855 chips (max 4). |
cdp1877 | child elements | CDP1877 Programmable Interrupt Controller I/O definition. | |
cdp1878 | child elements | CDP1878 Dual Counter-Timer I/O definition. | |
cdp1879 | child elements | CDP1879 Real Time Clock I/O definition. | |
debugger | - | child elements | Debugger definition |
diagnostic | - | child elements | COMX Diagnostic board definition |
dip | - | child elements | Dip switch definition |
disk | type, drives | child elements | Disk drive definition. Type is used to select one of 4 different disk HW configurations (ide, 1770, 1793 or upd765). For the 1770 and 1793 the drive attribute defines how many drives will be configured (1 to 4). |
efbuttons | - | child elements | Key definition for keys directly connected to EF flags |
flipflop | child elements | Flip flop I/O port (used in the VIS1802). | |
frontpanel | init | child elements | Front panel definition, use init="on" to open the front panel on startup of the emulated machine. |
gui | - | child elements | Specific GUI settings |
hexmodem | - | child elements | Activate hex modem on startup |
iogroup | - | child elements | IoGroup definition, every I/O definition (out, in or ef) can be activated/deactivated by an IoGroup output. To do this use this element with child element out to specify the port and include an iogroup child element for the specific I/O definition that specifies the value to activate it. |
keyboard | type | child elements | Keyboard definition. The type attribute defines one of the different keyboard HW configurations: ps2, ps2-interrupt, ps2-gpio, ascii (VIP Ascii keyboard), 1871 (RCA 1871 as used in the COMX), latch (using a key latch) or matrix (using a matrix format). |
keyfile | - | child elements | Key file definition to be used on startup of the emulated machine. |
keypad | type, pad | child elements | Basic keypad definition. The type attribute defines one of the different keypad HW configurations: |
locations | - | child elements | Locations is used to define certain triggers to the emulator based on execution address and optionally specific values in one or multiple memory locations. |
memaccess | - | child elements | Memory access definition. |
memory | mask | child elements | Memory map definition. The mask attribute is used to repeat the complete mempory map in other locations using the specified mask. E.g. mask="0xfff" will repeat the specified memory map every 8K. |
printer | type | child elements | Printer definition. The type attribute defines one of the different printer HW configurations. If not specified a basic printer is configured, other options: q (serial printer using q flag), centronics, parallel (COMX parallel interface), serial (COMX serial interface), thermal (COMX thermal interface). |
rtc | type | child elements | Real time clock definition. The type attribute defines one of the two RTC HW configurations: m48t58 or ds12887. |
sound | type, stereo | child elements | Sound definition. The type attribute defines one of the different sound HW configurations: q, studio (Studio II sound), bit, cdp1863 (or 1863), vp550 (VIP supersound board VP550), vp551 (VIP supersound board VP551) or 8912. For the vp550 and vp551 add stereo="on" to activate stereo mode. For studio, vp550 and vp551 no child elements are needed. |
splash | - | child elements | Splash screen definition. The splash screen is shown on startup of the emulated machine and can show tips for the user like key definition, startup procedures etc. |
usb | type | child elements | USB definition, currently the only type attribute value supported is superboard for the COMX SuperBoard |
video | type | child elements | Video definition. The type attribute defines one of the different video HW configurations: coin (RCA Video Coin Arcade Game Console), cdp1861 (alternatively 1861 or pixie), cdp1862 (or 1862), cdp1864 (or 1864), st4 (Studio IV video), vip2k (VIP2K Membership Card video), fred (FRED 1 or 1.5 video), mc6845, mc6847, tms9918, intel8275, 1870 (RCA VIS 1870) or sn76430n (Cybervision 2001 video) |
videodump | - | child elements | Video dump file definition to be used for the emulated machine. |
vt | type, connection | child elements | Video terminal definition. The type attribute specifies to use a vt100, vt52 or external (terminal SW) terminal. Connection is used to define a serial, uart1854 or uart16450. |
xmodem | - | child elements | Activate xmodem on startup |