Format: PLOT (expr1, expr2)
Supported by: Floating Point BASIC 2.2
Similar commands:
Pecom 64 BASIC 4.0: PLOT
Telmac SBASIC v 24.3: PLOT
When BASIC executes a PLOT statement it evaluates expr1 and expr2 as integer numbers and uses them to place a point on the video display as X, Y coordinates. BASIC calculates the position using the lower left hand corner of the display as the 0, 0 origin, to facilitate use of cartesian coordinates. X values are valid in range 0-63, Y values are valid from 0-127. BASIC will convert to modulus the limit so values greater than the axis will 'wrap around' on the screen.
10 CLS 20 FOR A=0 TO 63 30 PLOT (A, 0): PLOT (A, 127) 40 PLOT (0, A*2): PLOT (63, A*2) 50 NEXT
This will draw lines around the border of the video display. Note that if A is defined as an integer, the plotting will occur much faster.
10 CLS 20 FOR A=0 TO 63 30 PLOT (A, 63): PLOT (0, A*2) 40 NEXT 50 FOR B=0 TO 60 60 PLOT (B, SIN(PI/180 * B*6)*63 + 63) 70 NEXT
The above example will draw an axis pair across the screen and then plot a sine curve.