Format: TAB (expr)
Supported by: COMX BASIC V1.00, Floating Point BASIC 2.2, Pecom 32 BASIC, Pecom 64 BASIC 1.0 and 4.0, Quest Super BASIC 1.4, 3.0, 5.0 and 6.0, RCA BASIC3 V1.1, Telmac SBASIC v 24.3
Similar commands: -
This function is not a function in the same sense as the other BASIC functions in that it does not return a value of any kind. It is used and recognized only in the PRINT statement. It places the cursor at the horizontal position determined by the value of the expression. The new cursor position is referenced to column 0 and not to the previous cursor position. Printing continues from that point on.
Following are some examples.
PR TAB (10); 1
will print a 1 at column 10.
PR TAB (10); 1; TAB (20); 2
will print a 1 at column 10 and 2 at column 20.
PR TAB (A); "*"
will print a star (*) at column A.