sting var = MID$ (string expr, expr1)
sting var = MID$ (string expr, expr1, expr2)
Supported by: COMX BASIC V1.00, Floating Point BASIC 2.2, Pecom 32 BASIC, Pecom 64 BASIC 1.0 and 4.0, Quest Super BASIC 1.4, 3.0, 5.0 and 6.0, RCA BASIC3 V1.1, Telmac SBASIC v 24.3
Similar commands: -
This function is a string function which, when executed, extracts a portion of the specified string. The first term, expr1, defines which character from the left is to start the substring. Expr2 defines the number of characters to be used in the substring. If expr2 is not used, all of the remaining characters are used.
The following is an example.
A$="YES" B$=MID$ (A$, 2, 1)
B$ would then contain the letter "E".
A$(10)="EXPERIMENT" PR MID$ (A$(10), 7, 3)
would result in
being printed.
10 INPUT A$ (1) 20 IF MID$(A$(1), 1, 1)="Y" GOTO 100 30 GOTO 10 100 END
The last example would wait until some word beginning with the letter "Y" was input at which time the program would branch to line #100.
Common functions like LEFT$ and RIGHTS of other BASICs can be implemented with the MID$ function in the following way
MID$ (A$, 1, N)
is the same as
LEFT$(A$, N)
MID$(A$, (LEN(A$)-N+1), LEN(A$))
is the same as