Studio II Cartridges

This chapter includes short instructions for all included Studio II cartridge files, in some cases more complete instructions can be found in the game folder. These instructions need 'Auto Arcade Key Definition' selected which is the default setting. For more details about arcade keys see chapter Auto and Arcade Key Definition.

Definitions below assume you are using a numeric keypad and have selected menu item 'Settings / Use Numeric Keypad'. If this option is not selected correct key is indicated in (). Note that for player B keys W, A, S, Z for directions and TAB for fire will work both with and without the 'Use Numeric Keypad' setting selected.

For MPT-02 cartridges which will run on the Studio II as well see chapter MPT-02 Cartridges


To start press 0, player using keyboard 'A' bats first and player using keyboard 'B' pitches. Pitching player attempts to catch ball after it is hit by moving fielders. Keyboard function A/B changes every 1/2 inning.


Player A:
Space: swings bat

Player B:
Numpad 5 (TAB): swings bat


Player A:
Arrow up: inside curve
Space: straight pitch
Arrow down: outside curve

Player B:
Numpad 8 (W): inside curve
Numpad 5 (TAB): straight pitch
Numpad 2 (Z): outside curve

Hold key down for 1/4 second for change up (slow ball).

Moving fielders:

Player A:
Arrow up: up
Arrow down: down

Player B:
Numpad 8 (W): up
Numpad 2 (Z): down


Press 0 to start. Then enter your birth date using numpad 0 to 9 (P, Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O) in format MM DD YYYY followed by start date in the same format. After this the biorhythm charts will be shown where P = physical, E = emotional and I = intellectual cycles.


To start press 1 for a 1 player game and 2 for a 2 player game.

For all numerical input player A uses keyboard 0 to 9 and player B uses numpad 0 to 9 (P, Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O). For a 1 player game, the controls for 'player B' are used.

When "Cut" appears on the screen, press numpad 0 (TAB) in a 1 player game and space or numpad 0 (TAB) in a 2 player game.

Each player bets from $1 to $9.

Player A:
1: hit
2: double
Space: stand

Player B:
Numpad 1 (Q): hit
Numpad 2 (W): double
Numpad 0 (TAB): stand

Stakes: $200 * $999 breaks the bank.

Fun with numbers

To start press:
1: Guess the number - 1 player
2: Guess the number - 2 players
3: Reverse

For all numerical input player A uses keyboard 0 to 9 and player B uses numpad 0 to 9 (P, Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O). For a 1 player game, the controls for 'player B' are used.

Guess the number

The aim is to try and guess the 3 digit number. After every guess a clue is given as follows:
000 - None of the digits are correct
001 - One digit is correct but is not in the proper position
002 - One digit is correct and is in the proper position, or two digits are correct but both are in the wrong position
003* - Any feasible combinations of the above clues (except 000)
004 - Any feasible combinations of the above clues (except 000)
005 - Any feasible combinations of the above clues (except 000)
006 - You guessed it!

* For example, 003 could represent 3 digits correct but none in the proper position or 2 digits correct, one of which is in the proper position and one of which is in the wrong position.

In a two player game both players first give their secret number before the game starts.


Rearrange the numbers to be in sequence from 1 to 9. To rearrange press numpad 2 to 9 (W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O). Where the number indicates the 'number' of numbers that are reversed, i.e. 2 = first 2 reversed, 3 first 3 etc.

Game Pack

This game is from the Sarnoff Collection at TCNJ, S.572.33, S.572.46.


Press 1 to start, a white dot will appear in the lower left corner. Move the dot by pressing any of the arrow keys (or numpad 1 to 9). Note that pressing two arrow key simultaneously will move diagonally.

Press numpad 5 (TAB) to start drawing, press space (or numpad 0) to erase.


Press 2 to start. Press 0 on keypad A or B depending which players turn it is. Keep 0 pressed long enough to reach one of the symbols.

Pong variant

Press 5 to start. Press 0 on keypad A or B to push 'pad' up, when you release 0 the pad will return to bottom of screen.


Press 6 to start. Add up the digits and press the correct number. Quicker = more points.


Press 7 to start. Press 5 to start the car. Control the car using the arrow keys: 5: increase speed, 4: left, 6: right.

Gunfighter / Moonship Battle


To start press:
1: Single player game
2: 2 player game

For a 1 player game, the controls for 'player B' are used.

Keys for Player A:
Arrow up: up
Arrow down: down
Space (quick release): fire one fast bullet
Space (hold): fire two slow bullets

Keys for Player B:
Numpad 8 (W): up
Numpad 2 (Z): down
TAB (quick release): fire one fast bullet
TAB (hold): fire two slow bullets

Moonship Battle

To start press 3. Each moon ship can move in 8 directions. For player A the arrow keys are used, when pressing two arrow keys simultaneously the ship will move diagonally. For player B keys numpad 8, 4, 6 and 2 (W, A, S and Z), when pressing numpad 7, 9, 1 and 3 (AW, WS, SZ, ZA, i.e. 2 keys simultaneously) the ship will move diagonally. Player A fires a rocket with space and B with numpad 5 (TAB). Rockets are fired in the last moving direction. Player that loses all its energy is defeated.

Math Fun (TV School House II)

To start press:
1: Slow (approx. 20 sec) answer speed
2: Fast (approx. 10 sec) answer speed

Select problem type:
1: Addition
2: Subtraction
3: Multiplication
4: Division
5: Combination

For problem type 'combination' the game will start, for other problem type, select difficulty: 1 (easiest), 2, 3 or 4 (most difficult).

For all numerical input player A uses keyboard 0 to 9 and player B uses numpad 0 to 9 (P, Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O). For a 1 player game, the controls for 'player B' are used.

When the problem appears on the screen each player attempts to enter the correct answer.

School (TV School House I)

To play this game you will need a copy of the 'quiz' booklet. To start press:
1: Fast (approx. 10 sec) answer speed
2: Slow (approx. 20 sec) answer speed

Decide which quiz you want to play (1-9), now the Studio II will show a letter (A-H) next to an empty box. The letter tells you which question to answer. Look at the quiz booklet and try to give the right answer.

For all numerical input player A uses keyboard 0 to 9 and player B uses numpad 0 to 9 (P, Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O). For a 1 player game, the controls for 'player B' are used.

Space War

Horizontal Intercept

Press 1 to start
Space: fires rockets
Arrow left: steer rocket left
Arrow right: steer rocket right

Vertical Intercept

Press 3 to start
Space: launch left missile
Numpad 5 (TAB): launch right missile

Holding space or TAB down will hold the missile on a straight course. Releasing the key will make the missile angle downward.

Speedway / Tag

Keys for Player A:
Arrow up: up
Arrow down: down
Arrow left: left
Arrow right: right

Keys for Player B:
Numpad 8 (W): up
Numpad 2 (Z): down
Numpad 4 (A): left
Numpad 6 (S): right

Speedway (9 lap race)

To start press 1. Players can control cars with direction keys as described above.


To start press 2. Players can move spot with direction keys as described above. Spot with black marker chases solid white spot. Each "tag" scores 10 points. The game will last for two minutes.

Tennis / Squash

Squash (1 player): Press 1
Tennis (2 players): Press 2


Racquet size player 1:
Numpad 4 (R): small
Numpad 5 (T): medium
Numpad 6 (Y): large

Ball Speed and start game:
7; slow
8: normal
9: fast

Move paddles
Numpad 8 (W): up
Numpad 2 (Z): down


Racquet size player 1:
4: small
5: medium
6: large

Racquet size player 2:
Numpad 4 (R): small
Numpad 5 (T): medium
Numpad 6 (Y): large

Ball Speed and start game:
7; slow
8: normal
9: fast

Move paddles player 1:
Arrow up: up
Arrow down: down

Move paddles player 2:
Numpad 8 (W): up
Numpad 2 (Z): down