Front Panel

The front panel includes all buttons, LEDs and TIL displays:

For details about how to show or open the front panel see chapter Control Windows.

L (orange ellipse): Places the computer into Load mode.

R (grey ellipse): Places the CPU into the reset state.

G (red ellipse): Go, this starts the processor running.

W (black ellipse): Enter Wait mode. This also removes memory protection in Load mode.

M (purple ellipse): Enable 32 byte mini monitor, this is in address hex 00-1F
Note: If the superboard (stored at hex 8000) or giantboard (stored at hex F000) monitor is loaded the 'M' button will execute that monitor instead of enabling the mini monitor.

S (brown ellipse): Single step the processor, will execute next instruction and then enter Wait mode.

P (blue ellipse): Enables memory Protection in Load mode.

IN (yellow elippse): Input, this is connected to DMA_IN in Load mode, or EF4 in run mode.

ON/OFF (magenta ellipse): Turning this switch down will end the Quest Super Elf emulator.

Leds (white ellipse): Shows CPU status.