Disk File and HD Directory

Disk File

Disk image files can be specified by using the FDC 0 to 4 buttons. Four different disks can be used at the same time. Default setting:

To change the disks (also possible at run time) just select a different filename via the FDC x button or type a name in the text field. To eject a disk use the eject button or remove the filename in the text field.

HD Directory

Instead of using disk image files Emma 02 also supports direct access to the PC hard disk. To use this feature press the double 'arrow' button next to one of the FDC buttons. This will change that specific FDC button into HD. The actual HD directory can be specified by using the HD 0 to 4 buttons. Four different directories can be used at the same time. Default setting:

Any combination of HD or FDC usages is accepted.

Using the HD feature allows for a simple import and export to the PC file system. Next to that the limit of disk size of 310KB is not applicable when using the HD feature. In theory there is no limit of the total size of the directory however the following limitations still exist:

Note: When using the HD Directory option MicroDos commands DIAG, EXAM, FORMAT, FREE, SUBMIT and SYGEN;E are NOT supported.