This site is dedicated to my 'Emma 02 Emulator', I have worked on this emulator since 2007. The emulation core was based on the RCS Elf Emulator copyright (C) 2006 by Michael H Riley.
Emma 02 runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. For comments or bug reports, please drop me an email (email address is provided in the 'about' window of the emulator) or post to the Emma 02 Facebook page.
In the menu on the left you can find:
- Download links for the latest release
- Change Log for recent releases
- Help pages for Emma 02 features (also available in the Emma 02 help menu)
- How to compile Emma 02 on the different platforms
- Links to RCA 1802 related Forums
- How to do Tape Conversions using Emma 02
- Instruction sets for the different RCA CDP1802 CPU variants
- Instruction sets for the different 1802 pseudo language variants
- Emma 02 XML syntax
- RCA 1802 related BASIC syntax
- A Computer List showing all emulated computers
All source files can be found on
Marcel van Tongeren